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The Moment She Knew Page 8
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Page 8
“Well that’s good,” she replied and went back to looking out the window.
He watched her as she examined the weather outside. She fidgeted with her shirt, tugging at the hems. He watched her a bit longer, the way she was breathing, the way she bit her lip, and in the reflection of the window she noticed he was staring. “Will you quit staring?”
“You like this weather, don’t you?” It was a question but he knew the answer.
“I love it,” she said breathlessly.
“I can tell,” he smiled at her.
“What do you mean?” She narrowed her eyebrows.
“This weather is a turn on for you.” He didn’t ask, it was a statement. It was a turn on but how could he tell. He knew she was confused so he enlightened her.
“I can tell in your body movements, the way you breathe and it’s in your eyes. I pay attention, so I notice when you fidget, when your breathing increases and your mouth gives away much of your emotions.”
“I don’t like you right now,” she said with a slight smile.
“Oh come on, that’s a lie. I can tell you like me. You give it away.” The last part was a whisper.
“You aren’t supposed to call me out on it!” She pushed him lightly.
He laughed as he placed his hands in his pocket. She noticed his hands and smiled as she looked back out the window. He wasn’t going to make a move if he placed his hands in his pockets.
“If we get a black out, does it affect your business or customers?” She wondered.
“No it would be fine. I talked to Shaw and we are all set in case that happens. Why?”
“Ok good, because it’s not a good thunderstorm unless there is a blackout. And I really want one.”
He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “If we get a black out I can think of one thing we can do to pass time.”
She pushed him away. “You said you weren’t making any moves! You lied!”
“What? I was going to said hide and seek!” He was really laughing now.
“No you weren’t,” she smirked at him.
“Ok, naked hide and seek?” She stared at him and like clockwork the whole block went pitch black.
Chapter 13
“Where are your candles?” She asked, rummaging through a drawer in the kitchen.
“I don’t have any,” he answered from under the sink looking for flash lights.
It was pitch black and Callie didn’t know his apartment layout at all, so it was easy for her to knock into everything and anything. “How do you not have any candles? Ok what about a flash light?”
“That’s what I’m looking for and, got it!” He turned the flashlight on.
He shone the light in her direction she looked around. “You do have candles.” She pointed to an end table.
“Huh, who would have known?” He shrugged.
“Really? You weren’t aware you had these?” She asked in disbelief as she pointed to the large candles taking up his whole end table.
“Not at all but let’s light them.” He left her standing in the dark and went looking for a lighter.
He moved the couch so it was facing out the windows, allowing Callie to enjoy the storm.
“You know maybe some throw pillows and blankets would soften the place up a bit.” She figured he may not care but it was a suggestion.
“Yea? Well I’ll keep it in mind for next time, but if you are cold I can grab a blanket in the guest room.” He came back with a blanket in tow. They sat on the couch watching the lightning and enjoying the sounds of the rain and thunder. They glanced back and forth at each other, flirting with each smile and glance.
Callie decided why not kiss him, he was right there and there wasn’t much else to do, they could talk but they do that all the time and she didn’t want to upset him by having him dig deeper in his past.
In one swift motion she moved the blanket and straddled his lap. He looked a bit shocked but smiled. He pulled her close; she hoped her breath didn’t smell like wine. That both sat there, waiting for the other to make the next move.
Her eyes darted from his hungry eyes to his slightly parted lips. He rubbed his thumbs along the outside of her thighs where his hands rested. Just when she couldn’t take it anymore he quietly said, “Well you did make the first move.” Instantly his lips were on hers.
They kissed stopping to catch their breath or jump from the crackle of lightning. She stopped and asked if she was sleeping in the guest room. “You can sleep anywhere you want but I would like it if you slept in my bed,” he said while kissing down her neck. She thought about it and she wanted to sleep in his room. “Ok well your room sounds good. Also umm,” she couldn’t think straight while he was kissing her. She stopped him. “Look I really want to have sex with you tonight but I can’t think with you doing that to my neck, ok?” Since she had his lips smushed between her fingers, he nodded yes. “Ok so some rules I guess. You have to wear a condom obviously.” Before she could get another rule out, he grabbed her hand, jumped up and headed for his bedroom. “Ok got it,” he said en route to his bedroom. “Oh and no funny positions. I’m not trying to walk funny tomorrow,” she said as they were weaving through the apartment. “Sweetheart, if you don’t walk funny tomorrow, then I didn’t do my job.” They arrived at his bedroom.
“Maybe I should shower beforehand.” She stopped outside of his bedroom door.
“No your fine.”
“But I think…”
“Listen... the bathroom is over there if you want to get freshen up or whatever but trust me, it will be fine. No one says you have to do this. You can always change your mind.” His hands were on each side of her face and she knew it would be fine, actually she was hoping for more than fine.
They proceeded into his bedroom. He shut the door and locked it. “You’re sure you’re ok?” He asked her a few times. She was nervous but nothing was going to stop her. He started to undress her. He laughed when it was her turn and she tried to fold his shirt saying it was rude to throw it on the floor. He could tell she was feeling self-conscious. When she was in just her bra and underwear he told her to stand in front of a mirror, this was a slight argument but she gave in. She was more comfortable with her body than she had ever been, but still wasn’t 100 percent satisfied with it. Standing directly behind her, he asked what she didn’t like about her body and in returned he told her exactly why he liked her body. She didn’t like her thick thighs but he couldn’t wait to feel them wrapped around him. She didn’t like her love handles and he loved that there was, as he put it, something to hold on to. He pressed his lips against her ear. “You have no idea how beautiful you are.” She stopped him. “You aren’t going to make me do one of those stupid ‘I am beautiful chants’ because I’m going to tell you now, that’s not happening.” Her eyes locked his in the mirror. He caught her eye and gave a devilish smile. “No. You will be chanting but it won’t be that. I’m just going to tell you I think you’re beautiful. I imagined this you know. I wondered how you would feel, how you would taste and what sounds would pass through those lovely lips of yours. I’m just glad I finally get to find out.” She turned around to kiss him, telling him about the first time they met, when they danced and the thoughts running through her mind. “So you aren’t so innocent,” he said with a laugh. Their eventful night had just begun.
Chapter 14
The next morning Callie woke to stretch. Remembering where she was, she remembered what took place the night before. She looked to her side and Connor was sleeping, literally half of his body was on top of her. She didn’t have anything to compare it to but what she did know was a pleasantly sore body, a good night’s rest and a couple orgasms were all good signs. Connor played them some music to help Callie relax. Callie wanted to skip the foreplay and get straight to it but Connor insisted on the foreplay. She thought it was just a tease.
What started out as Connor licking, sucking and kissing her body in a very passionate way eventually turned into a lot of
laughing on Callie’s part. Connor seemed to find all of her ticklish spots, resulting in Callie accidently kicking Connor. More laughing took place as mishaps happened. Callie had trouble getting Connor’s jeans off, slammed her head into the headboard and got her foot tangled in the sheets.
“This is a mess. Maybe we should just forget it. I am not graceful and I’m nervous and there is no way you can be turned on by any of this.” Callie didn’t picture this happening.
“We can stop if you want but you aren’t the only one who is nervous.” She laughed at his comment. “You can’t possibly be nervous. You have done this hundreds of times.”
“Ok, not hundreds. I just have never been anyone’s first, so it’s a lot of pressure.” He looked concerned and nervous, it was adorable.
All memories were interrupted by the feeling of having to use the bathroom. Connor was still asleep, the bed sheet barely covered him and she was still naked. She didn’t want to wake him so she tried what she saw in the movies. She slowly tried to escape from under him and it was working. She didn’t know her body could maneuver in such ways. Just when she thought she had it, she slipped on the blanket and fell on the floor with a loud thump. Connor jumped out of bed.
“What happened?” He was half asleep, and confused. He looked to the ground and saw Callie laughing. “Are you ok? What are you doing?” She was laughing even harder and clenched the blanket to her chest, not covering much of anything. “Bathroom… wake you … I fell,” was all he could make out in between her bursts of laughter. He was laughing now understanding what she meant. He offered her a hand, he was still naked and she just stared at his face, well she tried to stare at his face. She hadn’t seen him fully naked because the lights had been out from the storm. She took a deep breath and grabbed his hand. He helped her up and she readjusted the blanket to cover herself. He leaned in to kiss her but she put a hand over her mouth and shouted. “No. absolutely not, I have morning breathe.” She started towards the bathroom. “Seriously?” He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “You think morning breath is going to bother either of us? You do remember where our mouths were last night?” She blushed and replied that a morning kiss was going to have to wait; her bladder was going to explode. She ran to the bathroom with a massive bed comforter dragging behind her.
She returned to his bedroom. The large room was like the rest of his apartment, artless. The furniture still dark cherry wood and it all matched perfectly. His sheets were navy blue. He had nothing in the apartment symbolizing what he liked or what he was interested in. Callie did notice a bottle of Drakkar Noir cologne on his dresser, so that was what made him smell so delicious. She thought he would have worn something like Gucci for men, something more expensive and popular. He didn’t have much else other than his watches and his wallet on his dresser. His apartment was simple, the complete opposite of Callie’s. When she moved out on her own, she made sure her apartment had a cozy feel. She threw on some clothes and went in search of him.
She arrived in the kitchen and he wasn’t there but she could hear him talking. He walked into the kitchen exiting from a room she hadn’t noticed; the apartment was bigger than she thought. He was on his phone. “Well I have plans today, so fix it. I don’t care how; this is why I pay you. I’ll check in later.” Then he hung up the phone.
“You want me to make some coffee?” She asked.
“Yea that’s fine, the coffee pot is right there, and then we can shower and head out but first I do believe I am owed a morning kiss.” He tapped his lips. She leaned to kiss him. He lifted her up and placed her on the counter, settling in between her legs. She made a wince.
“Sorry, shit, I completely forgot you would be sore. How are you feeling?”
“Just a little sore, nothing I can’t handle.”
“Well let me know if you want me to kiss it and make it better,” he winked.
“You can’t say things like that to me,” she covered her face with her hands.
He moved her hands away. “Why not? You won’t be shy for long. Just wait until we change up positions and bring some toys into play,” he was smiling.
“Stop that.”
“I’m completely serious,” he said as he left the kitchen and went upstairs; she didn’t know there was an upstairs.
Moments later footsteps made her turn towards the living room and she saw a woman walking into the kitchen. She was young with very short copper color hair; her eyes were focused on her phone. “Nice of you to answer your phone when I call,” she said as she was walking into the kitchen. She looked up and saw Callie standing there.
“Who the fuck are you?” She asked.
“Who the fuck are you?” Callie replied. This woman was just rude.
“When did you start letting your whores spend the night?” She yelled throughout the house.
“Around the same time he started letting rude bitches just walk freely into his apartment,” Callie replied. She wanted to know who this woman was. Connor appeared in seconds. “Ok one, you need to watch your mouth when you’re in my house, talking to my guests,” Connor said and the copperhead bitch narrowed her eyes at him, “And two this is Callie and you owe her an apology.”
Connor stood between the two women. “THIS is HER?” She asked waving her hand up and down in Callie’s direction. “And I don’t owe her anything.” She approached a stool and sat down.
“If you want to be welcomed in my place you do,” he stated firmly.
“She called me a bitch!” Callie was watching the interaction between them still not knowing who she was.
“Well you were acting like it and also I did hear you call her a whore.” She stared at Callie, she did not want to say it but she didn’t have a choice. “Sorry.”
“Ok good. Callie, that’s all you will get out of her but hey, most people don’t even get that. Now Callie this is Dev, my sister.” Callie’s eyes widened. Great, this was his sister, his best friend, the person he was closest to.
Connor stood against the counter, legs crossed drinking his coffee. “I heard you were in town and I can’t seem to get you on your phone lately, so I figured I’d stop by. You need to confirm the menu and other things for your party. Amelia was going to come over herself this morning, but I guess it’s good she didn’t.” Dev looked Callie and Connor up and down knowing what they had been up to. Dev knew her brother’s ways and knew of Callie, but she didn’t think he would sleep with her, at least not so soon. He talked about her in a way he didn’t talk about anyone else. He liked this one, but for the life of Dev she didn’t get why.
“Well I’ll give Amelia a call later,” Connor said and Dev got up and walked out of the apartment without a goodbye.
Chapter 15
They were sitting at a café having lunch, it was nearing 2pm. Callie was excited to see where they were going. She begged for clues but he wasn’t giving any. He liked watching her try to guess. Connor checked his watch, the one in his pocket and then the one on his wrist. He signaled with a head nod it was time to go.
After a short walk with shorter conversation, Connor stopped in front of an old tall brick building. The stairs that lead underground were narrow. Callie shot Connor a suspicious look.
“Do you trust me?” Connor asked.
She nodded and followed him down the concrete steps and down a small hallway. Connor opened one of the two apple red French doors in front of them. When Callie walked through the doors her eyes darted everywhere. Books covered the walls from floor to ceiling. The shelves were so high there were wooden rolling ladders all around. The furniture reminded Callie of her apartment, mismatched and bright. The rectangle windows near the ceiling provided the light for the store. Being in there didn’t make a person feel like they were underground. Any part of the wall that was exposed was covered by poster size pictures of famous books.
Tables stood in the center of the enormous room, with books upon books. The tables were labeled by genre and Callie headed straight for the “Page to Screen”
“This is amazing,” Callie whispered.
“Why are you whispering?” Connor asked.
“I have no idea. I feel like this is the type of place where you whisper.”
“Well, your voice does project so,” Connor began to laugh. Callie shot him a look with narrowed eyes. “My voice does project and keep it up and I will project my feelings for you at this moment.”
“And what are those feelings?” Connor tilted his head.
Callie’s facial expressions relaxed. “I don’t know.” She didn’t want to but she started tearing up. When did she become such a girl?
“It’s hard to put into words.” Callie started walking around the store.
“I know you want your own library in your house someday, so I thought we should add on to what you own and start it up. Have you heard for Dr. Graver?”
Callie’s eyes shot up from the book she was flipping through. “Have I? Who hasn’t? She taught a few classes at Yale, where she received her BA then went on to get her MA at the University of Oxford and finished with her PhD at Princeton. The woman writes like no one else. The woman is a legend in the literature world.”
“Oh well good, because she is here today giving a small lecture.”
“Are you fucking serious?!” Callie’s voice projected a bit more underground than it did above ground.
“Yes, My parents knew her from Yale, she is a family friend and I thought since this is your cup of tea you would want to hear her lecture. That, and I saw some of her books on your book shelf.”
“Next to Justin Timberlake and Michelangelo from The Ninja Turtles, I may have a small woman crush on her!”
“Justin Timberlake is rather a handsome young gentleman.” A soft voice appeared.
Callie turned around to see Dr. Lucille Graver standing there. She was an extremely short woman. She was dressed in black; from the bob style hair cut to her close toe heels. The Black contrasted with her pasty white skin. For a small woman she looked intimidating.